Chiropractic Care in NW Calgary
Life is precious, but sometimes injuries and pain can limit your every day functionality. We come across numerous such patients every day, who are struggling with fitness issues. As your Chiropractor in Northwest Calgary, we aim to provide integrated health care services to patients so that they can live their lives to the fullest. Rest assured that you will get no better rehabilitation experience than you will at CCSR. Our doctors are thoroughly trained, highly experienced and above all care about getting you back to what you love as soon as possible.
What is Chiropractic Care?
Receiving chiropractic treatment at the Centre for Chiropractic and Sports Rehabilitation may surprise you because you might not ever receive a chiropractic adjustment. Our practitioners believe in approaching your injuries at their roots and that often means there is tightness or scarring present in the surrounding tissues that needs to be loosened up or broken down, rather than simply providing a “quick-fix” with an adjustment – these “fixes” are often quick in their duration, in addition to their application.
Furthermore, chiropractic care is a system of diagnosis and treatments which, at its core, believes that disease originates from a lack of normal function in the spine and extremity joints. When normal joint function becomes compromised, surrounding soft tissues including muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia become affected, causing pain and discomfort.
Chiropractic care has a compounded effect, one treatment normally won't cure an issue. It can also be expensive – we get it – and insurance plans often don’t have a huge amount allotted for chiropractic services and if you go to the wrong place first, things can get very expensive, very quickly; but if you can get yourself in to our office for an assessment and a couple of treatments, your chiropractor can help you learn to treat yourself at home with ball release, stretches and rehabilitation giving you the skills to self-manage your condition so that you don’t need to come in all the time.

What to expect during follow up treatments.
In your subsequent visits your chiropractor will continue to educate you on your condition, they will monitor your progress by repeating testing and using their knowledge of various treatment methods for the most efficient and safe resolution of your symptoms. While our doctors generally prefer to take a hands-on soft-tissue approach doing various techniques such as Myofascial Release, Functional Range Release, Graston, Nerve Flossing and Active Release; they may also perform Shockwave Therapy and Low-light Laser Therapy.
Each visit will likely involve some home education as to the work that can be done at home to help facilitate a speedy recovery. This may include stretches, ball-release, strengthening, and postural advice.

What to expect during a new patient exam.
Once your new patient exam has been scheduled, you will receive an emailed link to fill out our Intake forms. Our expectation is that those forms are filled out prior to your appointment. If you are having any difficulties, we can help you over the phone to get it completed.
When you arrive for your New Patient Exam at CCSR, you will be greeted by one of our lovely administrative staff. They will help to ensure you have filled out your intake form and gather any health benefit information you may have for direct billing (see our direct billing page for companies we bill to).
Your appointment will begin with, Dr. LaBelle or Dr. Fong taking a detailed medical history relevant to your injury. An extensive biomechanical exam will then be performed bringing you through a series of ranges of motion, muscle testing, functional testing and finishing with palpation looking for stiff muscles and restricted joints. Once the medical history and assessment is complete, the doctor will explain your condition thoroughly and what factors led you to get into the place you’re in and the treatment necessary to fix it.
If time permits, a treatment will be given. Our treatments focus on soft tissue and will include Myofascial Therapy as well as one or multiple therapeutic methods including: Low-level Laser, Graston, Shockwave, Acupuncture and/or an adjustment.
At the end of your exam, your doctor will review a treatment plan with you depending on your condition. You will be able to schedule follow up appointments with the front desk staff following your appointment and they will review insurance coverage and invoicing with you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does Alberta Health Care cover Chiropractic cost?
No, but you may be eligible for coverage by extended health benefits. See our direct billing page for insurance companies we can bill for you.
I have seen chiropractors before, why do I need to do a new exam here? Can’t I have my records transferred?
Our chiropractors really appreciate seeing previous imaging reports and what your previous practitioners have had to say; however, we expect that you are coming here for a new opinion and a new set of eyes on your problem. Because we take such a different approach to chiropractic care at our clinic, we feel it is most beneficial to start you with a clean slate and do as extensive an exam as possible to ensure that nothing is missed in the assessment of your injury.
I am afraid you will crack my neck; do you have to?
Not if you do not want it adjusted (and certainly not if you do not need an adjustment in the first place!)
Does this “soft-tissue” chiropractic treatment count as physiotherapy?
No, our chiropractors are just that, chiropractors. All their services are billed under chiropractic care. If you are worried that you won’t receive stretching and rehabilitative exercises, all of our practitioners will provide you with these as your treatment warrants.
What is the cancellation policy?
Our office requires at least 24 hours’ notice to cancel or move an appointment without penalty. You may cancel online, email our office, or leave a voice message.